Monday, April 29, 2019

Google Classroom

Concept of Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a free website service created by Google for the school that aims to simplify creating, distribution and grading assessments in paperless ways. The main purposes are sharing files, assignments, and other related documents with teachers and students. Google classroom consists of the Google drive for assignment creation and distribution, Google Docus, sheets and slides for writing, Gmail for communication, and Google calendar for scheduling.

Purposes of Google Classroom

The purposes of Google Classroom are as follows:

  •  To facilitate paperless communication between teachers and students.
  • Google classroom allows teachers to create classes, post assignments, organize folders and view work in real-time.
  • Students and teachers can share information through all Google apps.
  • Google classroom offers a one-stop platform for facilitating digital production, workflow and communication between teachers and students.

Benefits of using Google Classroom

Google Classroom can be accessed from any computer via Google Chrome or from any mobile device regardless of platform.  All files uploaded by teachers and students are stored in a Classroom folder on Google Drive. Users can access the Classroom anytime, anywhere.
Google Classroom provides students with exposure to an online learning system. Exposure to Google Classroom may help students transition into other learning management systems used in higher education.

Teachers and students would not have excessive amounts of paper to shuffle since Google Classroom is completely paperless. When teachers upload assignments and assessments to the Google Classroom, they are simultaneously saved to Drive. Students can complete assignments and assessments directly through Classroom, and their work is also saved to Drive. 
Time Saver
Google Classroom is a huge time saver. With all resources saved in one place and the ability to access the classroom anywhere, teachers will have more free time to complete other tasks. Since the classroom can be accessed from a mobile device, teachers and students can participate through their phones or tablets.
Built-in tools make communicating with students and parents a breeze. Teachers and students can send emails, post to the stream, send private comments on assignments, and provide feedback on work. Teachers have full control over student comments and posts. They can also communicate with parents through individual emails. 
Google Classroom provides ways for students to collaborate. Teachers can facilitate online discussions between students and create group projects within Google classroom. Moreover, students can collaborate on Google Docs which have been shared by the teacher.
Most digital natives are comfortable with technology and will be more apt to take ownership of their learning through the use of technology. The classroom offers numerous ways to make learning interactive and collaborative. It offers teachers the ability to differentiate assignments, include videos and web pages into lessons, and create collaborative group assignments.
Through Google Classroom, teachers are easily able to differentiate instruction for learners. Assigning lessons to the whole class, individual students, or groups of students takes just a few simple steps when creating an assignment on the Classwork page.
Providing meaningful feedback to students is a valuable part of all learning. Within the grading tool of Classroom, teachers can send feedback to each student on assignments. The ability to create a comment bank for future use is also available within the grading tool. In addition, the Classroom mobile app allows users to annotate work.

Pros and Cons of Google Classroom

Pros of Google Classroom are

Easy to use and accessible for all devices:
Google Classroom is easy to use and it makes it easy for us to add as many learners. We can create Google documents to manage assignments and announcements, post youtube videos, add links, or attach files from Google drive. Learners will find it equally easy to log in, as well as receive and turn in assignments.

Effective communication and sharing
The greatest advantages of Google Classroom is Google Docs. These documents are saved online and shared with a limitless number of people, so when we create an announcement or assignment using a Google doc, we learners can access immediately.

Effective feedback
Google classroom gives us the opportunity to offer feedback which is more effective, as fresh comments and remarks to the students.

No need for the paper
Google classroom is certainly interested in getting as soon as possible. We did not require any paper to grade the assignments rather we can do it through soft copy using Google Docs.

Cons of Google Classroom are: 

Limited integration options:
Google classroom has limited integration with google calendar, which may cause some problems with organizing materials and assignment deadlines.

No automated updates:
Activities do not update automatically, so learners will need to refresh regularly in order not to miss important announcements.

Difficult learner sharing: 
Learners cannot share their work with peers unless the become "owner" of a document and they will need to approve sharing options for documents.

Editing problems: 
After an assignment is shared or published in the google classroom. we cannot edit it or delete any part of the assignment we want, which could cause a problem.


 Steps for creating Google classroom: 
 Go to the website of google as
 Click on the web store chrome
 Add to chrome/ add extension to install in the laptop.
Login with the help of Gmail account at
Insert password as 123456789
Then accept and done.

Again click on the Google Apps
Click to google apps and then scroll to more
Double click to google classroom
Select I am  a student
Click to + sign and join the class
Log in to class

Steps to create a classroom 

Click to classes
Click to the + sign
Select on create a class
Invite your students/teachers in the class by giving your code or email

Steps to post questions
  • Go to your class 
  • click class on classwork
  • click on option questions
  • Write down questions
  • Click allow if you want students to edit your work
  • Then click Ask and then post it

Integrating Google classroom in teaching and learning are

  • Google classroom helps to exchange information between teachers and students.
  • It will help teachers to post questions online.
  • It allows students and teacher for sharing ideas and knowledge.
  • It allows teachers to post teaching and learning material.
  • It allows both teachers and students to discuss, comment on it.

Link address for google classroom:

Link address for question: 
Link address for attendance:

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Simple poem my own creation - Snow


White crystals fall from the cloudy sky.
Everyone noticed it was snow.
Everyone Loves it.
Everyone enjoy, celebrate, and entertaining as Christmas.
Million of crystals cover the earth.

Crystals are stars.
It contains an amount of icy water, and
 Well-structured as star shapes.
Twinkling stars on the open ground.

The ground is full of white colour
                                      Plants and grasses are temporary an old
                          But it’s not like an old man

                               It remains just an hour prolong in nature.

Seasons are divided equally
But winter seasons have four months
Those are November, December, January, and February.
They have them own unique attributes.

Children of society
Enjoy the snowfall in full periods
They loved to play, entertain,
Have a fun, sense of joy and excitement.


 When I hold crystal snowball It was chilly, icy, and watery in nature
Hands begin to be senseless, and numbness
 Unable to hold without any control.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Creating Video lesson with Camtasia Studio

Creating a video lesson with Camtasia Studio

Camtasia Studio is a software tool which we used for creating videos such as tutorial video to make our lesson effective in terms of teaching the lesson contents. 

Pros of Camtasia studio

a)  No limits on video length
The software does not have a limitation on the length of videos or any other project created using the software. This is a main benefit of Camtasia as certain projects such as sales presentations can be lengthy. I use the software for my product review videos and tutorials, so the length of my videos varies from a few minutes to hours.
b) Capable of recording anything
This software is capable of recording:
  • Computer screens
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Computer camera or webcam
  • Voice narration
  • Any other audio and so on.
When recording your computer screen or PowerPoint presentations, you can turn on your computer camera and be featured in the videos. 
c) Editing videos
With the help of Camtasia studio, we can do editing visual effects to adding animations, power-points records, videos, and other visual representation. We will be able to edit almost anything with Camtasia Studio.
d) Importing and exporting
Camtasia supports .camproj, camrec, and .avi file formats when importing and exporting projects. All projects can be shared and transferred to multiple computers and locations. Screen recordings can be transferred from a PC to a Mac or vice versa.
e) Camtasia integrates well with other products
Because of the screen recording capabilities, the software will be able to record the usage of any third-party software.
f) Publish and share to YouTube
Completed projects can be published and uploaded to YouTube, Google Docs, and Screen-cast right from the Camtasia dashboard. This is very convenient and much easier than the sharing options found on other software.
Cons of Camtasia studio
a) Camtasia requires software
Through recording videos and capture on our computer screen, we have to download the Camtasia software which requires specific system requirements for Windows and Mac operating system.
b) DV camera support
Camtasia does not support live recording from a digital video camera which may be a deal breaker for those that still use a DV camera.
c) Software updates
we are not allowed to updates software to a new version of our current version. For example, if we have Camtasia Studio 8  and version 8.2 comes out, we will be able to update for free. However, if version 10 is released, we will have to pay to upgrade to the new version.

Getting started with Camtasia Studio
  1. click start menu
  2. Type 'Camtasia studio' in the search bar
  3. Select Camtasia studio
  4. welcome Camtasia Studio screen will be displayed
  5. Click on close button
Adding images
  1. click to import media
  2. insert any pictures from the folder
  3. select the image and click open
  4. drag the images to the storyboard
Text insert on image
  1. click on a particular image
  2. click to call out
  3. click plus sign
capture video using the phone/online
  1. Go to import media and select the files you want to import or insert
  2. click to show storyboard
  3. select all the images to insert once
How to add video on Camtasia studio
  1. Go to import media and select the files you want to import or insert
  2. Click to show storyboard
  3. select all the videos to insert in between the images
Transition effects to the images
  1. click on the image that you want to apply the effects
  2. select any transition of your choice
  3. Drag the effects in between the images and videos

Save the project to continue next time
  1. click to save the project as
  2. select the folder that you want to save
  3. give the title of the project
  4. click to save button to save the project 
How to post the online video/ready-made videos on the blog
  1. Go to compose in blog
  2. click the video icons
  3. choose the topic you want to upload by typing the title of the book or anything you like to search on youtube

                       Tutorial Video lesson created by Camtasia Studio



Cyberbullying is any type of bully which takes places through digital networks, where the society will experience in the 21st-century world. Moreover, cyberbullying is to treat other person or community frequently by using social media’s such as Facebook, Twitter, WeChat and so on. Cyberbullying and cyberharassment is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means. It is also called online bullying.

Why do people cyberbully?

Cyber bullying happens for many of the same reasons as any other type of bullying, but it may be even more appealing because it can be done anonymously. They cyberbully because it helps them cope with their own low self-esteem, think it will help them fit in with their peers and have trouble empathizing with those they hurt.

The cyberbullying is mainly cause through the online:

  •  Anonymity

Cyberbullying allows bullies to avoid facing their victims, so it requires less courage and provides the illusion that bullies won’t get caught.

  • Ignorance of the consequences
The National Council on Crime Prevention reports that in a survey of teenagers, 81% said they believe others, cyberbullying because they think it’s funny. Because they don’t see their victims’ reactions in person, cyber bullies may not realize how much damage they are doing.
  • Social pressure
Some cyberbullies may think their behavior is normal and socially acceptable, especially when friends egg them on.

What Can We Do to Help Prevent Cyberbullying?

There are many ways to prevent Cyberbullying. The effective ways are as given below:

1. Talk
Every people will tell you that the best way to help your child or student is to have a conversation first. Be patient and ask a child about the problem in general: what is cyberbullying, does he/she know someone who is being bullied, what children should do if notice acts of bullying. This way you will see how much your child is involved in the situation and which side he/she is on.
2. Monitor online activity
Cyberbullying has one advantage that is, you can notice it and save the evidence. If taking their phone away is not an option, you can install phone monitoring app Pumpic. It allows monitoring social media activity, including Facebook and Instagram, views all text messages (even deleted ones), calls logs and general online behavior. 
3. Engage parents and youth
Create a community for adults and pupils to send a unified message against cyberbullying. Establish a school safety committee that will control and discuss the problems of online bullying. You can create policies and rules, including cyberbullying reporting system. It is important to make the main objectives known to parents, school and children
4. Build a positive climate

  As a teacher, we can use staff and parents meetings and even send newsletters. Create a page and forum, where parents can discuss the problem. Moreover, we can also engage bullies and victims by giving them mutual tasks so they can try to see each other from a different perspective.
5. Volunteer in the community
As a parent, we can prevent bullying by working in the community. With our experience on the ground, appropriate strategies can help identify the victims and redirect bullies’ behavior.
How to stop cyberbullying as an Educator?

           Educate yourself
 Reading this article is a good starting point. Also, check out other fact sheets and resource lists on the internet to get more information about how cyberbullying works and how to stop it.

Educate others
Does your school already have a policy against cyber-bullying? If you’re worried that your school administration isn’t doing enough to fight this problem, you could try speaking to school officials about your concerns and offering to help develop policies. If your school is already addressing the issue, see if you can help get the word out.

Create digital citizens
Cyberbullying is impersonal in nature. It is important to teach children that the same rules apply in and out of the digital world. Clearly teach students how to be cyber safe and savvy. The rules are taught, digital citizenship can be imparted through explicit teaching. 

Raise awareness
 Awareness is powerful. it can change social perceptions that create panic over technology use or spread misunderstandings, awareness allows a positive atmosphere to emerge. However, it talks about age-appropriate cases of cyberbullying and their resolution. It also showcases how technology is being used in our community.

Let parents involved

 Parents may often be unaware of cyberbullying, so it is important to report what is happening so that they can intervene at home. Educators might suggest parents buy filtering software or special phones for younger children and teenagers.

Establish open communication with students. 
Students need to know who and where they can go to before a problem occurs. By the time a situation escalates, it may be too late. Students may be so stressed with their situation that they may not be thinking logically. It’s best to make resources clear and available before situations become muddled with stress.  

Zero tolerance policy. 
Make students understand early on that bullying of any kind, including cyberbullying is unacceptable. The teachers should teach students about being responsible world citizens who are accepting of individual differences. moreover, the teacher should create activities that build on strengths, to show students how each person has something unique to contribute. Incorporate responsible technology use. Teach tolerance and respect for diversity. An open environment is best where individual differences are appreciated.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Digital Citizenship


                             Digital citizenship

On 11th April 2019, we have learned on digital citizenship, cyberbullying and the nine elements of digital citizenship. The term digital citizenship is a holistic and positive approach to helping students learn how to be safe and secure, as well as smart and effective participants in a digital world. Moreover, digital citizenship is about a person using information technologies in order to engross in the world. According to Ribble (2015, p.15) states that digital citizenship as “the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use". As associates of digital civilization, it is our concern to offer all handlers the chance to work, interact, and use technology deprived of prying, demolition, or obstacle by the activities of wrong handlers. There are nine elements of digital citizenship, digital access, digital commerce, digital communication, digital literacy, digital etiquette, digital law, digital rights and responsibilities, digital health and wellness, and digital security, can be pragmatic to the non-digital world. 

 There are nine elements of digital citizenship's are as follows:

    1. Digital commerce
Digital commerce means buying and selling of goods and services by using the internet, mobile networks, and commerce infrastructure. It involved the marketing activities that support these transactions of goods and services for the dealer as well as for customers in the world.
While we buy and sell good and services we have seen many problems arises such as technology hackers and identity of the dealersImproper usage of credit cards or debit cardsunsolicited email, and secure sites.

2. Digital access
Digital access talks about how many people actually have access to technology and educational resources within the technology. It is important to understand that not everyone has the same level of access, some have more, other less. Moreover, some people choose to engage in technology more frequently than others. The most important with the access is connect, internet, access, obtain, regain and gateway which all we can access through the internet.

3. Digital  communication
Digital communication actually means a mode of communication and the exchange of electronic information through digital network's. In the ancient era's communication is done in the form of letters, fixed-line telephone to convey messages and it takes more time This is due to the lack of digital technologies in our nations as well as for others.  Due to development and changes of digital technologies now the government and private organization use digital technologies to communicate effectively in and around the nations.

4. Digital literacy
Digital literacy means taking the skill we want to live, learn, and work in a community where communication and access information from digital technologies such as the internet, social media, and various digital networks. These provide an essential platform to the learners through three components such as social awareness, critical thinking, and knowledge of digital tools. By creating awareness on how to operate it will help the learner to learn better. Moreover, communication is also a key aspect of digital literacy. It plays vital roles in terms of clearly expressing your ideas, asks relevant questions, maintains respect, and build trust is just as important as when communicating with a person, However, we need practical skills in using technology to access, manage, manipulate and create information in an ethical and sustainable way.

5. Digital etiquette
It is important to know about the digital etiquette in term of using digital technologies what to post and what not to post on the digital network's. Nowadays people are in the society post and send vulgar messages in the digital networks. That why it is important for parents to clarify their children’s in what way to act and treat them while usage of digital networks. If parents fail to do so, there will be harassing and cyberbullying. The parents should guide their own child and give advice on what to do or what not to do in the digital networks. moreover, to prevent harassment and cyberbullying. In order to overcome this, we should be: Respect others views, Think twice before you post it, check information is true or false, and avoid doing harassment and cyberbullying in digital networks.

6. Digital law
Digital law is the legal rights and restriction imposed by the government for digital usage to prevent
people from trying to do hacking, creating a virus to destroy other systems or organizations. For example, stealing others ideas, documents, plagiarizing others works and hacking is against the digital law. It has higher chances they will sue in lieu and to make digital usage safe and accessible digital law is essential.

7. Digital rights and responsible
We have the right to use all kinds of digital technologies while using it must be in an appropriate manner and should not abuse the right of other people. Unlike in Bhutan there are many issues on plagiarism and violating rules on other peoples right. We have the right to use others works by proper citing, acknowledging to the authors. We do have the right responsibility to value and respect others rights.

8. Digital health and wellness
Digital health and wellness refer to physical and psycho-social well-being in a technological
world. Excess use of digital technology may effects eyes and isolation from social interaction and personal health. If I think another way it is useful where we can access information to learn new ideas, boost creativity and to be productive citizenship. Nowadays there is an increasing concern that some people are becoming Internet-addicted. They exhibited compulsive behavior and causes high levels of stress on family, friends, and society.

9. Digital security
Digital security means the precautions that the user takes to guarantee their personal safety and the security of their network. With the changes and advance development of nations with digital technology, there will a high chance of criminals will arise in our personal documents and create a viral in the digital networks. So, to protect our identity and keep our documents safe we should update our security systems. 

Ribble, M. (2015). Digital citizenship in schools: Nine elements all students should know (3rd ed.). Eugene, OR: International Society of Technology in Education.

Lesson plan -phET simulation

Name : Tashi Tobgay - 06150254 Subject : science Class : 5 Chapter : State of matter Activity : Simulation Objectives :  By ...